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DEAR ABBY: I have been married for 37 years. During that time, my husband has cheated on me and fathered several children.
As we have grown older, I have begun to think about final arrangements. If he dies, would I be wrong for not giving him a funeral or memorial service or having one for his sisters and brothers? I feel it would be disrespectful to me if the children that resulted from his affairs, and possibly their mothers, were there. Although my daughters love their father, I believe they would support my decisions. -- ANGRY WIFE IN GEORGIA
DEAR ANGRY WIFE: You are under no obligation to have a funeral or memorial for your cheating husband. If his sisters, brothers, mistresses and their children would like to give him one, they can assume the responsibility. If you still feel the way you do today after his demise, you, your daughters and some close friends of yours can go out for a nice lunch or dinner to acknowledge the occasion.
P.S. Devil's food cake for dessert would be appropriate.
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Read more in: Marriage & Divorce | DeathDear crackers, lamez and just regular users
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