Max Payne Cheats. Articles; Guides; Max Payne guides. Max Payne 3 multiplayer guide. Max Payne 3 achievement/trophy guide. Max Payne 3 golden gun parts and clues guide. Now press F11 OR F12 to. Jul 16, 2012 Max Payne 3 PC Cheats. Gamerevolution Monday, July 16, 2012 Cheat Codes Unlockable Cheats These are cheats that can be accessed, once unlocked, by going to the 'Chapter Select' feature once you.
PC has way more exclusives than every game released on PS3, 360, and Wii combined. Most new console multiplats end up there as well, and they usually deliver a better experience on PC. Yeah PC gamers aren't missing out much. Many PC gamers actually have at least a last-gen console for some odd exclusive, but not too many play on the console.
PS3 Cheats
Unlockable Cheats
Go to the “Chapter Select” and you can enable the cheats when you attempt to launch a previously completed mission. All stats and Rockstar Social Club accomplishment tracking is disabled.
To unlock the… …you have to:
Constant Bullet Cam – Find all clues
Max Payne 3 Cheats 360
One-Hit Kills – Complete the storyline on Hardcore with Free Aim
Unlimited Painkillers – Complete the storyline on Hard with Free Aim
Unlimited Ammo – Find all of the Golden Gun parts
Max Payne 3 Pc God Mode
Unlimited Bullet Time – Get at least a ‘Gold’ rating on all Score Attack arcade chapters.